Besides offering fine pruning services to my clients I also teach regularly at Merritt College in the Horticulture Department, Marin Master Gardeners Pruning Guild and the Aesthetic Pruning Association. I give talks around the Bay Area on tree related subjects and my writing can be found in the “Manzanita” Quarterly of the East Bay Regional Parks Botanic Garden, Western Arborist and other journals. I regularly attend conferences, seminars and workshops through the International Society of Arboriculture and the Aesthetic Pruning Association to stay connected, in tune and aware of new and important science and methodology in the field.
Some of the workshops listed may be of interest and those that I teach are designated.
Workshops, Talks & Conferences
Current Workshops
Aesthetic Pruning California Native Trees & Shrubs class, April 6, 2024, 9:30-12:30 (PST)
Jocelyn Cohen presents slides, lecture and demo pruning class. A native garden looks most pleasing when it has a human touch. Class includes differences and similarities between our native species versus those introduced from temperate climates. Pruning tips, timing and techniques for over a dozen plants like our California lilac, manzanita, toyon, flowering current and silk tassel. Many of our California natives are dormant in the summer, learn why and when is the best time to prune. You will learn about the different forms of native plants and how their habit drives the way we prune for health and in order to bring out their best and natural characteristics through proper pruning.

Online Classes Merritt College Landscape Horticulture Department, Oakland, CA 94619 Fee $45.00. Enrollment information: Aesthetic Pruning Courses.
Aesthetic Pruning Flowering Trees & Shrubs class, March 9, 2024, 9:30-12:30 (PST)
The gem of this class – trees and shrubs have a distinctive rhythm in growth, either they are producing vegetative growth, that is the production of leaves and shoots, or they are producing flowers and fruit which is reproductive. Understanding this rhythm of flowering and the three categories different species fit into is what this class is all about. I’ll also talk about dormancy and best times to prune. Pruning flowering trees & shrubs is not so different from any woody plant but timing can make the difference between having the biggest bang from flowers and or fruit or not. We will also talk about the difference in pruning for structure verses pruning to enhance flowering.

For many years I have been teaching pruning classes. This workshop is geared toward what is special and unique about pruning flowering trees and shrubs, it is also a basic pruning class.
Online Classes Merritt College Landscape Horticulture Department, Oakland, CA 94619 Fee $45.00. Enrollment information: Aesthetic Pruning Courses.
Past Events
The Art of Pruning Garden Tour – October 2019
East Bay Gardens brought to you by the Aesthetic Pruners Association
2019 was the 4th biennial garden tour. We are proud to feature gardens of the East Bay which are beautifully and expertly pruned by APA certified aesthetic pruners Jocelyn Cohen, Dina Blackwell, Peter Bowyer, Grant Foerster, Melissa Hyams, and Randall Lee. This year’s garden tour includes an inspiring mix of gardens whose design and plant material range from Mediterranean dry summer and California natives to tropical palms to temperate climate deciduous trees and cottage style perennials. These gardens showcase the universality of aesthetic pruning’s basic principles. Enjoy yourselves. And take advantage of this unique opportunity to ask certified aesthetic pruners about their technique and process.
More information: The Aesthetic Pruners Association

Links to Resources:
Aesthetic pruning classes at Merritt College
Western Chapter, International Society of Arboriculture, events and about. Member driven organization dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation for trees by promoting research and education to advance the professional practice of arboriculture.
Aesthetic Pruning Association, a non profit association established to promote and develop the craft of aesthetic pruning and support professional pruners in their work.
Writings and Articles
Issac Newton’s Ancient Apple, (see “Tree Spotting” on the page) Aesthetic Pruning Association Newsletter, (October, 2022).
Women Who Climb, by Jocelyn Cohen, Western Arborist, International Society of Arboriculture Volume 45 Number 1, Spring 2019

“Imagining Our Oaks Through Time: Care and Nurture for Their Graceful Aging,” by Jocelyn Cohen. Manzanita Journal, Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden, Volume 14, no. 3 (Fall 2010). Cover plus pp. 3-9.
“Off to a Good Start, Selecting and Pruning Young Plants for Our Native Gardens,” by Jocelyn Cohen. Manzanita Journal, Volume 11, no. 2, Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden, (Summer 2007).
“Pruning Natives for Health & Aesthetics in Our California Gardens,” by Jocelyn Cohen. Manzanita Journal, Friends of the Regional Parks Botanic Garden, (Winter, 2007)